Heads Creek Trail

Last Updated: Thursday, 12 October 2023 5:49:24

The Heads Creek Trail is a proposed 5-7 mile natural surface loop around Heads Creek Reservoir for recreation and fitness.

Originally proposed by the Griffin Environmental Council to increase utiliziation at the reservoir and discourage illegal dumping, Bike/Walk Griffin fully supports this plan to bring a recreational loop of significance to the local area. While Spalding County already has a mountain bike park, this loop will be more focused toward family cycling, trail runners, and general recreation that might not be so "extreme" like some mountain bike paths.

The Griffin Environmental Council is actively seeking grants and funding to make this loop a reality. The city has supported their efforts by beginning to clear trail at the Cheatham Rd. end of the reservoir and has already established a new parking area on the north end of the cheatham road bridge.

Recently, the Griffin Environmnetal Council has applied for a grant for vandal and theft resistant trash receptacles with a commitment from the city to empty them on a regular basis, which will be a huge win for cleaning the area up if awarded. Grant recipients are expected to be notified by Oct 31, 2023.